Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)

By means of Facelift Surgery, it is possible for looking 10 years younger. In Face Lift Surgery, the excess sagging skin on the face removed by making incisions in the SMAS layer where the sagging occurred, and the remaining part is lifted. Some different techniques and methods can be performed on the patient depending on condition of the face.

This operation can be performed by using two techniques as Full Facelift and Mini Facelift depending on the area that the surgery to be performed.

Full Facelift: It is preferred generally for advanced ages. The incisions make in the line where the cheek and the ear merge. If it is necessary, the excess skin is removed by entering the incision created behind the ear and sideburn area. Patients can have a youthful appearance by means of removing excess fat and muscle tissue that has lost its firmness.
Mini Facelift (MACS Lift): It is preferred generally for middle age persons. By means of MACS lift surgery: 

  • cheekbones have a lively appearance 
  • the troughs on the side of the nose get lighter     
  • saggy skins on cheek and under jaw are removed 

Incisions are open or laparoscopic.