Why do skin sagging?
The largest organ in our body is the skin. The skin is very flexible and adaptable. Proteins such as collagen and elastin lead to the strengthening, flexibility, tightening and tension of the skin. There are various reasons for sagging skin. There is usually a decrease in elasticity with age and sagging of the skin due to gravity. Weight loss also leads to sagging of the skin. The fat under the tissue decreases, the skin cannot shrink and loses its elasticity, which leads to sagging of the skin. As an example: The skin expands and enlarges due to weight gain and fat formation.
When it comes to weight loss, the limit of skin tightening ability is affected. The excess fat in the stomach area increases like a balloon and tightens the skin. If you now burn these fats (lose weight), the skin cannot return to its original state. Over time, the skin loses its flexibility and the interaction of the abdominal muscles with the skin diminishes.
What are the factors of skin sagging?
Sagging of the skin can occur after the bariatric procedure and is considered a disadvantage of the operation. While there is a lot of different research on the subject, there are many more to come.
With age, there is a reduction in skin elasticity and gravity causes sagging of the skin.
Too high proportion of weight
The higher your body weight is above the ideal weight, the bigger the skin is tightened and enlarged.
Therefore it will be very difficult to reach the starting point.
Many fluctuations in weight
Weight fluctuations over many years negatively affect skin elasticity.
Rapid weight change
The rapid increase and decrease affects the adaptability of the skin. Do not forget; the skin is a living organ.
Cigarettes cause the skin to age quickly. Wrinkles and sagging become visible.
Diet and water intake
Mainly water supply, proteins rich in collagen, vitamin A for protection from the sun, vitamin C for the formation of collagen, vitamin E with the property for antioxidation, vitamin B for vitality, zinc, omega-3, omega-6.
Genetic factors
Genetic factors play a big role. Some people do not take any measures and there are no sagging skin, others take measures and there are still sagging skin.
Sport, exercises
The living organ, the skin, renews its cells with exercise and exercises. The muscle build-up creates tension under the skin.
Exposure to the sun
Excessive amounts of sunlight damage our skin from harmful UV rays. These lead to skin spots etc.
Pregnancy can cause skin sagging, especially in the abdomen.
Negative effects of post-operative bariatric surgery
According to research, most skin sagging occurs on the abdomen, upper arm, inner thighs and chest. Skin sagging can also occur on the cheeks, on the upper part of the back and above the knee. If the preoperative BMI (Body Mass Index) is high and weight loss occurs quickly, the skin is more likely to sag. It has been shown that women are more uncomfortable with sagging skin than men. It has also been reported that patients who underwent bariatric surgery during puberty may experience psychological problems due to sagging skin.
Sagging skin is often equated with "wrinkles" and "flaccidity". Patients feel ashamed of it or no longer feel like it. Many choose clothes that they can use to hide their belly and arms. Some prefer loose pants, women try to hide the breast area with the bra.
Some patients (0.1%) find the sagging skin to be significantly worse and more embarrassing than being obese. Approximately 40% of postoperative bariatric patients report sagging skin causing problems with fungal infections, eczema and abdominal lesions, breasts and / or groins, and unpleasant smells, itching, sweating, and personal hygiene issues.
Sagging skin has also been reported as an obstacle to privacy and sexual intercourse. Patients feel the excess skin is something impersonal and do not think they belong to them. This also affects self-esteem. Some patients may have problems participating in physical activities, hobbies, and social
Experiencing activities due to sagging skin, even though they have a large weight loss
Biochemicker - bariatric life guide
Alper Habip
The following sources were used in the preparation of this article.
1. Silke K. Schagen, 1, Vasiliki A. Zampeli et al. Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging - Dermatoendocrinol. 2012 Jul 1; 4 (3): 298-307. doi: 10.4161 / derm.22876
2. Baillot A, Asselin M, Comeau E, Meziat-Burdin A, Langlois MF. Impact of excess skin from massive weight loss on the practice of physical activity in women. Obes Surg 2013; 23 (11): 1826-34.
3. M.A. Farage, K.W. Miller, et.al. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors in skin aging: a review International Journal of Cosmetic Science Volume 30, Issue 2 Pages 79-154 - April 2008
4. Christina Biörserud, Excess Skin After Bariatric Surgery, Patients ’perspective and objective measurements, Department of Surgery, Institute of Clinical Science Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg Gothenburg, Sweden 2015