Hamburg - The innovation fund of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) supports a new health care research project for better aftercare for obese patients after bariatric operations.
The consortium leader is DAK-Gesundheit. Other partners are the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology in Bremen and the Dresden-Neustadt Municipal Clinic. Almost one million euros are available for the project called “Effects after Bariatric Operations” (ABARO).
If morbid obesity cannot be contained with conservative measures, surgical intervention is often carried out, usually a gastric band or gastric bypass is placed. According to the DAK, obese patients often do not receive the necessary aftercare after this bariatric operation.
"Long-term successes and improvements in the quality of life of the patients could therefore not materialize," the health insurance company said. On the one hand, the research project aims to identify the specific problems in postoperative care. On the other hand, it should provide recommendations and solutions for a higher effectiveness of the treatment, which can serve as the basis for a new care concept.
"When it comes to obesity, we have to make the health system fit for the future, because in Germany there is a clear under-supply and inadequate supply in the treatment of extreme overweight," said Andreas Storm, CEO of DAK-Gesundheit. The promotion of ABARO by the innovation fund is therefore an important step towards better care for affected patients.
The scientists are planning, among other things, a survey of those affected to determine the course of treatment, aftercare services and accompanying and secondary illnesses over several years. “What pain and limitations did the patients have?” “How is the use of dietary supplements and how has the quality of life developed?” Are some of the questions that should be addressed.