Bariatric surgery, popularized with low complication rates, effective weight loss, increasing obesity rates, economic attractiveness, inadequate control, and so on, is likely to be spoken mainly on social media. The increasing number of patients who have experienced gastric stomach or other bariatric surgery and the desire of doctors to do "more" (surgery) are causing some scientific and unethical situations. In other words, a person who has had an operation can view their personal experience as a scientific reality and share it with people through social media and various means. Furthermore, it is an undeniable fact that they made financial gains from this work by making them "coordinators". Now almost every doctor has a "coordinator". Of course there are people who do their work with medical, scientific and ethical values.
I think social media is an important part of bariatric surgery and I want to share the research on it with you. But before that, I want to give you some suggestions for preventing information pollution and give you tips on how to confirm the accuracy of information;
1. Ask the question correctly
Example 1: Ohhh my hair falls out, what should I do?
Example 2: I want to smoke, today is my second day, should I smoke ??
Example 3: Can I eat kebab during the porridge phase?
Avoid such questions as they will inevitably harm you. Thousands of people see these questions, of course there will be people who smoke and have no problems with it. There will also be people who can find a solution to their own hair loss problems, but they can harm you. But don't forget that some applications can even endanger your life. (e.g. for someone with low iron levels, iron supplements can reduce hair loss, but can lead to iron poisoning in other people). Instead of asking these questions, you can ask questions that increase your motivation: for example, if you have a hair loss problem and want to examine it, it is more correct to ask your question this way.
Example 1: Why do my hair start to fall? What kind of solutions can I use? How does your doctor treat you? Can you give me a source that I can read?
Example 2: I want to smoke. What can I do to reduce this craving? How did you deal with this situation?
Example 3: I feel like kebab. Do you have any recipe suggestions for the porridge phase that can reduce this craving?
2. Examine the science of answers
Remember that any information, including the information here, requires clarity, that science does not operate with absolute integrity, and that it must be evident in scientific publications, even from a famous professor of information that you receive , Scientists and successful doctors base their knowledge on scientific resources. Make sure that you question the source of information that you get from social media (the doctor may have given the patient other information and the patient can tell you how they perceive it). Stay away from those who are trying to give you advice on what is unclear to the source.
Example 1: I moistened my hair with mineral water. It felt good.
Example 2: I lit a cigarette right after the operation, nothing happened.
Example 3: I ate, nothing happened.
Example 1: I stir a cream with radish and olive oil and put it in my hair. It is very good.
Example 2: I put some ginger in the water. That reduces my need to smoke.
Example 3: I don't want to eat kebab when I drink broth. When you feel full, you don't feel like eating.
3. Consult your doctor first
If you cannot reach your doctor, try to contact another doctor. If you can't do anything, research the side effects and disadvantages of using it from many different and scientific sources. Never try to use applications that could cause side effects without consulting your doctor. Your pharmacist can help you with this.
The importance of social media in bariatric surgery
Long-term support after bariatric surgery is critical to success. Many people who have had surgery go to support groups and social media such as Facebook in particular. Little is known about the actual content of these groups. (1)
In a study conducted in the United States in 2016, surveys on bariatric surgery on Facebook pages and groups were followed for a month. At the end of the month, over 6,800 messages and replies were analyzed and broken down into their content (depression, development, eating behavior were securely coded).
As a result, these messages and replies were found to be the most common types of messages and replies. (1)
53% - information and advice
19% - comment on postoperative changes
32% - support from other members
Anxiety, eating behavior, depression, body image, weight prejudice, and alcohol-related issues were found to be less common. (1)
Scientific assessments are made on the Internet by bariatric surgical groups to receive support, to celebrate by sharing physical and emotional achievements, to have knowledge of the "bariatric lifestyle" for preoperative patients, to exchange motivation and information. The people who build and manage these groups should keep a close eye on everything. (1)
Biochemist- bariatric life coach
Alper Habip
1. Afton M.Koball,Ph.D.,A.B.P.P.a,*, DylanJ.Jester,B.S.b, SarahE.Domoff,Ph.D.c,d, Kara J.Kallies,M.S.b, KarenB.Grothe,Ph.D.,A.B.P.P.e, Shanu N.Kothari,M.D.,F.A.C.S.,F.A.S.M.B.S.f / Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases ] (2017) 00–00, Examination of bariatric surgery Facebook support groups: a content analysis , April 24 , 2017
aDepartment ofBehavioralHealth,GundersenHealthSystem,LaCrosse,Wisconsin
bDepartment ofMedicalResearch,GundersenMedicalFoundation,LaCrosse,Wisconsin cDepartmentofPsychology,CentralMichiganUniversity,MountPleasant,Michigan
dCenter forHumanGrowthandDevelopment,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,Michigan eDepartmentofPsychiatryandPsychology,MayoClinic,Rochester,Minnesota