1.Obesity is a disease with different causes,
Although obesity appears to be an aesthetic problem in society, the WHO defines obesity as a disease with serious complications. Obesity surgery is the most effective and well-known method of treating obesity.
2. A Surgery is no wonder.
Obesity surgery is no wonder and the surgeons are not magicians. This surgery is a great help to get used to the right routines and lose weight successfully.
3. The aftercare process is as important as the surgical success of the surgeon you are operated on.
It is important to have correct information after an obesity surgery. In addition, nobody can be expected to become an expert with a short information. The support and accessibility of a specialist who can provide accurate information about the problems that may arise after the operation is very important. This is necessary in order not to have any problems with losing weight and to be able to protect your weight after many years. Even if you lose weight in a short period of time, this is necessary to avoid problems in the process of losing weight and to be able to keep your weight after many years.
4. Answer the opinions of your family and friends appropriately.
The bad reputation of the methods that are gradually being abandoned today has led to a tendency against obesity surgery. In general, family members and friends who do not consider obesity to be a disease and are afraid of losing their relatives may initially rate the surgery negatively. Those who wish in the postoperative period you had the surgery earlier, will likely be the same people. When they learn from the right sources and understand that obesity is a disease to be treated, their negative will opinions change.
5. Remember that you have to change your old habits together with your old life.
Instead of thinking about, why I should be operated on, if I have to be careful anyway, you should think that you will create successfully new habits with the operation. If you intend to continue what you did before the surgery, you should know that surgery is not a diet program and to keep your weight at a healthy level in the long term depends to your desire for change.
6. You are not alone.
Every year, thousands of people around the world resort to surgery, the most effective way to solve the obesity problem. People with obesity problems may no longer feel like short-term success and unsuccessful processes, that will later lead to weight gain, and may no longer believe, that they will lose weight in any way. You should know, that almost everyone who prefers obesity surgery, has experienced such a process of experience and that many have managed to reach a permanent weight level in the end.
7. If you are unsure, postpone the operation.
If you have any doubts about the operation, you should eliminate them before the operation. The process is not very difficult, but nobody can say that it is easy. Of course, you can never be 100% ready for it. However, the answering of important points and questions, will increase your motivation and reduces stress. Unanswered questions and unresolved doubts can make easy problems seem difficult.
8 . Get ready for a new life and not for a lifelong diet.
The most important peculiarity of obesity surgery is that it helps you to get the right eating and lifestyle habits. Thanks to physical and hormonal changes, you can achieve a healthy and ideal weight for your whole life by following certain rules. You will not go on a diet for life. However, a lifelong healthy nutrition applies to you, just as for everyone else. Get ready for changes, not for diets!!!
9. Don't be afraid.
If there is something to be afraid of, it is not the surgery, but the obesity. Obesity surgery is not an arbitrary aesthetic operation Hundreds of thousands of people undergo successfully obesity surgery every year. Of course, there is no zero risk. As with any operation, these operations involve risks. These risks are assessed by the surgeon correctly and it is decided if you can have surgery or not.
10. Make sure you get your information from the right source.
As in all areas, there is information pollution about obesity surgery too. The best way to access correct information is to consult experts in the field and review the sources of information. Various scientific studies on obesity surgery in the world are published daily. In particular, you should check the accuracy of the personal comments and information you have received from social media.
Test immediately for free whether you are eligible for obesity surgery.
Please call us for detailed information.